Our Software Solution Provide Your Business With Comprehensive Coverage
MIMPLUS Multi-Corp
Don’t limit your business capabilities just because others can’t keep up
MIMPLUS Integrate
Anywhere at anytime with our option for integration
Be productive and spend less time deciphering abstract reports
MIMPLUS Is Equipped With Essential Tools To Empower Your Daily Operations
Some Words From Our Valued Clients
It is with great pleasure that we wish to inform you that the above Software that you have installed for us , has made our working extremely efficient & productive. Especially the parts where you have helped us to customise the various Templates & Reports etc. This has helped us to get the required data & tables etc within few seconds.
We are pleased to inform that we are satisfied with the MIMPLUS Accounting & Inventory Software . We also like to thank your after sales support
Must highlight the excellent After sales support & prompt solutions to our needs by your Support team. Also thank you for the periodic upgrading of the software that you do from time to time which helps us in becoming more efficient as we go along.
We look foward to a great working relationship and hope to see further enhancement and upgrading of your software as we venture into our online business.
Solutions Developed in Singapore For Your Business Operations